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Discover all the job offers of our Digital Services company specialized in IT support !

You want to develop professionally in a human-sized ESN? At ALTIMER, we guarantee to each of our talents a career development, the possibility to increase their skills through regular training and a personalized follow-up. Discover all the job offers of our Digital Services Company specialized in IT support.

un employé code sur son ordinateur et montre son travail au chef de projet informatique

My recruitment at ALTIMER was fluid and facilitated by a very attentive and competent HR team. I spent a year on an assignment for a well-known aeronautics client, Airbus, and I had the opportunity to change assignments for the same client. It's a company on a human scale where everyone is on first-name terms and the management is accessible and attentive. Events take place to strengthen the links between employees and thus create cohesion.
Technician Support it
For me ALTIMER is : A relationship based on trust with a dynamic management team that does everything possible to provide us with a suitable working environment. A professional follow-up on a daily basis, allowing us to assess our profile and target our needs and shortcomings, in order to meet the challenges of a quality IT service.
Technician Support it


At ALTIMER, we set up an annual interview with our Human Resources Manager in order to review your career development projects.


Our managers will take the time to get to know you and learn more about your ambitions and career development desires. A regular follow-up is set up for each of our talents.


At ALTIMER, multiple training courses are offered for talents wishing to upgrade their skills in a specific field.


ALTIMER is composed of a young and dynamic team whose interest is the fulfillment of each of the company’s employees. Development is a priority for our Altimer team…
groupe de travail esn informatique